dis- (2015)
Duration: 20 mins
Instrumentation: 2 channel sound insallation
Premiere: October 9th, 2015 at the Eden Project in Cornwall, England.
Commission Info: Commissioned by the National Union of Students for the European launch of Students Organising for Sustainability.
Program Notes:
A reworking/remixing of field recordings originally used in my 2014 sound installation, I was walking home...or at least I thought I was walking home..., dis- explores the negative impacts of noise pollution. By bringing the sounds of New York City into The Eden Project, I am disrupting the way the listener experiences their surroundings. While standing amongst the lush, beautiful plant life, the listener hears harsh city noises, including jackhammers, traffic, and helicopters, that are commonplace in major metropolitan areas. These field recordings are complemented by an electronic soundscape that slowly degrades as the work continues, emulating the destruction of natural habitats around the world. The work is intended to re-contextualize the visitor’s experience at The Eden Project and provide a bridge between the stainless steel canopies of our cities and the natural canopies of our rain forests, showing how we are all interconnected. This work was completed in October 2015 in Birmingham, UK.
dis- :
denoting removal of the thing specified
expressing completeness or intensification of an unpleasant or unattractive action
A look at the history of The Eden Project.
Audio listen/Purchase:
dis- is available as a ‘name your own price’ through Bandcamp
A view of the waterfall inside The Eden Project, taken during the premiere of dis-.