of even the beautiful (2019)
Duration: 9:30 mins
Instrumentation: glissando flute & 2 channel fixed media
Premiere: Premiered on November 5, 2020 at the Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center, South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD.
Commission Info: Written for Tammy Evans.
Program Notes:
letting go
of even the beautiful
moving forward
with grace
Started in the summer of 2018, of even the beautiful is, in part, a love letter to Lake of the Woods, Michigan, a small lake near Kalamazoo where I lived in the summer from 2014-2018. I knew that summer would be my final summer living and working at the recording studio at Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Summer Camp. The summer after my 30th birthday, I was ready to let go of all that had happened in my 20’s, the good and the bad, and move forward.
The work contains processed field recordings collected around the camp, including one early morning session spent listening to birds and nearby traffic. There is an out of tune piano that lives outside at the camp, which became the source material for much of the latter half the piece. Non-field recording sounds include sine waves, white noise, and the digital residue that resulted from processing the field recordings.
Lake of the Woods, MI
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